Turn, turn, turn

“To everything – turn, turn, turn
There is a season – turn, turn, turn
And a time to every purpose under Heaven

A time to be born, a time to die
A time to plant, a time to reap
A time to kill, a time to heal
A time to laugh, a time to weep”

I have always loved this song, by Pete Seeger, and well, kind of heavily inspired by the Book of Ecclesiastes. The words, I remember, were read by the Minister at both my parents’ funerals.  I didn’t really hear the words during the service for my Mom – but I sure did for my Dad.  A time for everything and everything in its time.

It is time… but for what?

What I don’t like is that I never know what time it is!  What season is it?  The calendar will tell me it is winter – and so will the snow!  Yet, in so many ways, I feel that it is spring. And in so many ways, I blame cancer for this.  Cancer brought me to the edge of my life:  Stage 4.  I thought that was the end – there is no stage 5.  I said my prayers.  I arranged my will.  I put my faith in a Higher Power and simply “let go” of the balloon I called control. And off it flew – taken by the swift current of the winds to the high Heavens above.  I’ve not seen much of it since that day.  And this has made all the difference.

It is time… to take note.

Although I would not wish it upon anyone, I have been able to find new life after what I believed to be the winter of my life.  Again, I remark on the power of contrasts:  without winter, we do not appreciate spring; without death, we do not appreciate life; without shoveling, we do not appreciate rest.  Stage 5, to me, has meant breathing more deeply.  It has meant living life in the marrow – consuming the entire meal placed before me.  Or at least I try.  It has meant awakening each morning and reciting the date with an assurance that the day is a gift given specifically to me – and it is up to me to take advantage of it.

It is time… to slow down.

The winter winds blow outside and the snow continues to fall.  It is indeed winter.  Winter is a time to rest, to recover, to take refuge from the assaults that life may have thrown.  In winter, there is no worry, there is no future, it is here and now.  Frozen in time.  We preserve memories from a more active season.  Through the winter, my mind springs to life and my thoughts become animations which dance across the lines on my page.  There are no limits – the words build deeper as they pile into sentences, then paragraphs, then stories.  I hit “publish” to shovel them aside, and, in that way, more words can fall gently onto the black surface.

It is time… to wake up.

What words will you write in your winter?  How much snow will fall?  Will you awaken to a new life?  Is it time?  Down, down, down they fall to make a winter wonderland of white light and wonder.  Soft, soft, soft, they fall – every so silently we hardly take note.  Yet, at the end of the season, we know we’ve changed.  The snow turns to water as it is warmed by the spring sun.  Life.  It becomes more apparent.  Easy.  Our eyes believe that which our souls doubted in winter.  Drink it in.  Give your soul a cleanse.  Wake up, wake up, wake up!

There is a season and a time for every purpose under Heaven.

It’s just that Mother Nature plays tricks on us.  Let us believe with our hearts, in the seasons, and not just our eyes.  Winter does not last forever and spring does not really leave.  What season is in your heart today?  What time is it for you?

Time to live!


About inmycorner

This blog began as an opportunity to tell my Dad's stories. I sat with him and the computer and together we told stories. It was a wonderful way to get to know Dad. He was 9. He and Mom had a wonderful life together and since she passed away a year and a half before him - Dad was ready to join her. I no longer tell his stories but have found stories of my own. The impetus to resume this blog was the discovery that I had stage 4 ovarian cancer. Since blogging had been so therapeutic for my dad and I to get through our grief, I felt maybe this would be a good outlet to process my situation. I also hoped it may serve as an outreach to anyone else who is facing this very ominous journey. So far, so good.
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24 Responses to Turn, turn, turn

  1. Thanks for sharing these very inspiring thoughts, Stacey. May I reblog this on my site?

  2. Jan says:

    …a wonderful way to look at life and its seasons…..

  3. Judy says:

    As always, beautiful writing, Stacey. I used to listen to The Byrd’s version of this song and learned how to play it on my guitar when I was 15.
    The seasons mark the passage of time and for me, it was often a reminder of my grief. I’m grateful that I don’t have that pain anymore. But time continues to fly by. I would say that the “season in my heart” is one of treasuring each moment – summer, fall, winter and spring. Thanks for putting into words those same feelings.

    • inmycorner says:

      Thanks, Judy. My goodness it is so nice to have you in my corner so .. well.. always. I would hate to have pain – nothing worse I think. I have been very fortunate so far. So glad you can have all four seasons in your heart. How lucky are we to be able to do that, eh? Who needs a vacation? (Okay – I do – but you know what I mean?)

  4. Never lose these beautiful words. The seasons of our lives are precious xx

  5. Reblogged this on Christine's Collection and commented:
    Fellow blogger Stacey LePage shares her thoughts and feelings about life in general and how cancer has affected hers. When I read this uplifting post on her blog this morning I just knew my readers would find it an inspiration, too. thanks, Stacey, for letting me Reblog it.

  6. Winter doesn’t last forever and spring never really leaves. This is a quote i can remember. And I’m horrible at remembering quotes.

    Thank you Stacey, for everything you share. I feel a force, a guiding force, from you.

    • inmycorner says:

      Well, Colleen, then may the force be forever with you! (Another memorable quote – not by me…) Thank you so much, my friend. Thank YOU for all you share. And the guiding light from you most often illuminates my path! Here’s to a bike ride together in 2017!

  7. karen markovic says:

    Enjoy reading your profound words….they are deep and meaningful. They move my soul to a new level of consciousness. Best wishes for 2017.

    • inmycorner says:

      Oh – my – thank you, Karen! If only for a second, we could all be moved to another level – we’d all benefit from sharing a new perspective. You are super to support my writing so much – you encourage me to write me. And sometimes, writing a blog is like peeing in the dark – not knowing if you are really making your mark. (Terrible analogy, but had to reach another level – grin) All the best to you too my dear!

      • karen markovic says:

        Your making a mark. Words can sometimes impact a person’s heart and soul more then anyone can ever know! Wish more people could connect on much more of a deeper level….sending hugs….

  8. Valerie Heesen says:

    Bless you, Stacey, for sharing your inspiring messages and beautiful writing. Your reflections give me insight into my sister-in-law’s journey. She in her 6th year of Stage 4 ovarian cancer. But you have given me so much more than this…..insights into myself…as a mother, wife, woman and writer. Your words remind me to expand in all ways and all directions. Sending you prayers, hugs and all positive vibes, Valerie Heesen

    • inmycorner says:

      Oh, Valerie. I am so sorry to hear about your sister, although, her story brings me hope. She has most certainly beat the odds – and that takes a lot of courage! How the heck did I do all that for YOU? Wow – I’m impressed. grin. Thank you. I’m sure you were already more than you gave yourself credit for. Sounds like you are open and willing – and that means a lot. I am most certainly receiving your positive vibes – and glad to have the prayers. Again, thank you for this wonderfully supportive and inspiring note!

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