Inner Beauty

I held a mirror to my face this morn’

And met me with a critical eye-

More wrinkles and sags than I could count

Then, having counted just gave a sigh –

Was this, I thought, what my own mother felt

As she aged more every year?

Will I ever be free from my judgement calls –

That fill me with such fear?

Too old, too fat, too wrinkled, too worn-

Does my appearance reflect my age?

I try so hard to take care of myself

Yet, my skin protests with rage!

I see myself getting angry and sad

At the loss of my youth in a glance

Then I note how odd it is

My smile – my wrinkles enhance –

Back in time my mind does fly,

Back to a younger day

I was much more vibrant then –

And beauty no price to pay.

Nare a wrinkle on my face,

Nor sag upon  my cheek

Yet I seemed to never have the time –

Or with honesty could I speak –

Now here I am an older me

More confident and  more fit

Of both my body and my soul

Of this, I will admit –

Inner beauty exists but is so hard to see

For appearances get in the way –

The make-up, the colours, the mascara and brows

I need not in the clear light of day –

Look deeper, I say to myself in the mirror

And see what others see –

A heart and a soul that is kind and so gentle

On this so many do agree –

Lift your eyes dear friend in the mirror

So that you are more apt to find

Your true self worth and your value in –

The woman who is so kind

Beauty is not found in looks

Though yours are clear to me

Your worth is measured in your deeds –

You’ve left a legacy!

About inmycorner

This blog began as an opportunity to tell my Dad's stories. I sat with him and the computer and together we told stories. It was a wonderful way to get to know Dad. He was 9. He and Mom had a wonderful life together and since she passed away a year and a half before him - Dad was ready to join her. I no longer tell his stories but have found stories of my own. The impetus to resume this blog was the discovery that I had stage 4 ovarian cancer. Since blogging had been so therapeutic for my dad and I to get through our grief, I felt maybe this would be a good outlet to process my situation. I also hoped it may serve as an outreach to anyone else who is facing this very ominous journey. So far, so good.
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4 Responses to Inner Beauty

  1. sharechair says:

    This is lovely!! I’ll remember next time I’m looking at all those wrinkles, sags and bags!

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